ECOCELL solves global problems – environmental problem of GREENHOUSE GASES
The construction industry is responsible for over 20% of CO2 emissions globally.
ECOCELL, on the other hand, does not cause any CO2 emissions, but filters carbon dioxide from the air and stores it in the wood.
The lightweight composite material, developed in Switzerland, consists by ¾ of honeycombs and by ¼ of boards.
The ECOCELL FIBER CEMENT HONEYCOMB is made of a corrugated cardboard structure made of 100% recycled paper, which gets “fossilized” all over with a cement coating.
As board material, we recommend renewable raw materials such as wood or bamboo, which stores carbon dioxide from the air and reduces greenhouse gases.
The ECOCELL system binds 30kg CO2e per square metre of wall, ceiling or roof construction.
Solid construction on the other hand emits 38 kg of CO2e per square metre of brick wall and 64 kg of CO2e per square metre of concrete ceiling during manufacture. The CO2 difference is therefore 68 kg CO2e for wall construction and 94 kg CO2e for ceilings.
According to our calculations, for a residential unit with an area of 100 m2, this corresponds to CO2 binding of 6 tonnes of CO2e by ECOCELL and CO2 emissions of 12 tonnes of CO2e for solid construction, a difference of 18 tonnes of CO2e.
This corresponds to the yearly CO2 emissions of 10 cars with an average mileage of 15,000 km.
The 1.5 million apartments, planned by the German government could be built with ECOCELL with a difference of
over 35 million tonnes of CO2
in relation to the conventional massive construction method!
This corresponds to the yearly CO2 emissions of 20 million cars, or half of all the cars registered in Germany
An ECOCELL factory could be built in each of the 10-15 largest major cities in Germany.
At each site, a plant would produce between 2,000 and 3,000 units and create a huge number of new jobs.
The investments of EUR 20-25 million per plant are reasonable and reflect only 5-10% to the federal funding of EUR 6.0 billion for the German housing offensive.